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Dear Olive, We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...

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Привет, малышка! Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут». Я надеюсь,...

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.. ..as all starts, we were strangers. .. hey, it's me. 3nood, the junior you seem to spend your time teaching and listening to. your deer lmao. i'm writing this on the 11th of june of 2017,...

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Marte, how are you? I hope everything is fine! Well, it\'s Marco talking from the past so don\'t be scared! I know this sounds weird but yeah, I\'m talking with you, right now. I hope we...

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