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Dear Shawn Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...

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Hello Shyal, this is Shyal from one year ago. Hopefully we are still in college. As of right now, you are in your room on your computer in your general studies class and writing this letter as an...

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WHO EVER IS READING THIS PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL.its called Pug Life7175.please go subscribe to my channel.thankyou

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你好呀!几个月后的我自己,你现在?? ?该已经跨过的人生中比较重要的一道? ??。之前为了不影响你考试,所以现在...

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Hi ich bin du, der gerade 18 geworden ist und total faul ist und schafft hoffentlich sein Abitur. Ich hoffe du bist jetzt vielleicht schon verheiratet und hast vielleicht schon Kinder. Falls du...

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