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Labas! Sunku suvokti, kad jau baigiasi birželis ir mus išskėstomis rankomis pasitinka liepa. Visą mėnesį išmėčiau nereikalingiems drybsojimams prie tv, pc, miegojimui, valgymui,...

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Why are people kinder to pretty girls? Because the world is a shallow place. Everyone is shallow. You, me, the next person, anybody and everybody is shallow. We want the best. Everyone's love is...

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Dear future me, before you read this be sure to film it!!!! bye time you get this we have been through high school and are now possibly going to collage! Congratulations!! What were our grades?...

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Dear FutureMe, Today marks your 4th year in Cadiz International, hopefully by the time you received this you are already employed in a different company, you have a boyfriend and a car....

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I hope this message has found it’s way to you. I hope you have managed to figure it all out, the ins and outs of life. I hope you have found the place you pictured yourself you would be. And...

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