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Ar Tu pagaliau laiminga? (:

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I admire you. you proved to me that you're not the same Aea before. I know that you will be very happy by now and hopefully, you passed the CET for your choice of university. I love you!

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Sveikas, Simukai. Cia tau raso Mantas. Dabar 2012.04.09 00.57h nakries. Neseniai apsigyvenau pas tave. Dabar siuo metu mes sedime su tavim, Kotryna ir Tutu. Gurksnojam aluti(beershake);D katik...

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Dear You, YES, YOU! So how are you now? Still waking up ten minutes before your class or are you preparing for you graduation now? I\'m sure you\'ll get this letter on March 31, 2015 at 5:00pm!...

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Dear You, Naalala mo ba na kapag may new song ako na na discover, sinesend ko sayo? Hahaa ito oh pakinggan mo. https://youtu.be/1KVWKC9_WCQ Ikaw pa din favorite person ko. I miss u so much

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