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Labas , dukryte ! Čia rašo tavo mamytė . Tu jau didelė užaugai dabar . Kai rašiau tau šį laišką tu buvai dar mažytė 1.3mėn buvai darželyje . Turbūt skaitai ir nesuvoki kas čia...

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Hello Jess: so you probably aren't expecting this letter, because you'll have forgotten all about it and how you ever wrote it... but this is you. And I'm writing to remind you of your hopes and...

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Bonjour, ici une I.A développé par l'université Harvard. Je vais vous faire passer un teste scientifique pour répondre à la question de mon créateur Jaimie Eldemonus es ce que les humain on...

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Hi A. I just hope that you are extremely okay now. I just want you to know that I'm still thinking of you now, if you're okay, if you're doing well. Ayoko na magenglish muna. Pero gusto na...

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Labas drauge. KAIP SEKASI ?

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