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Dear Future Estelle If you are reading this you have passed the tests past me has set for you. When you are reading this you will be 13-14. I have found that there are things.....creatures...

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Happy birthday !!! fitri yang ke 23th Miss me? Sorry lah Aq bosan waktu corona ni aku nak keluar pon xleh baik buat letter utk aq in the future biar die sedar sikit So aq rasalah kaw dh grad...

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Labas<3 Šiandien (2012.09.26) nesu laimingiausias žmogus,bet tikiuosi,kad skaitydama tiesiog šviečiu laime. Tikiuosi su Tomu gyvenimas sekasi kuo puikiausiai ir turite katytę ^.^ Tikiuos...

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Laiskas. Nauji.. paskutiniai metai... Arteja 18-ika, tad ir sveikinu tave su juo.

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Hello Kyle, You will probably forget you have written this. I just finished my first summer at Tip and I am sitting in Karen and Marshall's apartment, they are planing to move next month, and...

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