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Dear FutureMe, First of All don't forget the LORD always pray and take care to your siblings always look to the past and remember to write this letter again and your Otaku Anime Lover and don't...

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ха-ха, лох

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Dear FutureMe, And as usual I just said "Shut Up" to smita. It is 00:08 and yet another day has passed leaving a day less for all of us to be together. Though it never mattered in the beginning...

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I just got home from hanging out with him. and i know i am only 19, but i want more than anything to marry this kid. so i wanna know if your feelings have changed? do you still think about him...

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Dear Jake... Get a job, you stink i love you get married you hobo live long live happy take chances make mistakes get messy Listen to old people. love everyone Be yourself who is Jake :)

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