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It's me ya girl you from 3 years ago. I just wanted to make sure your eating properly and not beating yourself about dumb things like you currently do. Since it should be around Feb 2023 you should...

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Test letter to self

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ce face iubitaaa meaaaaaaaa???? clar inca te iubesc si o sa fi soulmate-ul meu, nici nu ma indoiesc de asta. is curioasa ce ne ofera viata. esti mai fericita? ai iubit intr-un sfarsit???? oare eu...

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Racconta in breve quello che mi è successo dal 2013 al 2020. Il Milan che fine ha fatto? Ho avuto qualche fidanzata? La mia carriera scolastica come si è evoluta? Dove vivo? La mia passione...

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Labas Sim, Dabar yra 2012 metai, O Tu sėdi kaip visad iki išnaktų, jau puse 12 liko pusvalandis iki tavo 18-iolikto gimtadienio. Klausaisi begalinio pozityvo, reggae muzika tavo gyvenimo...

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