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Dear future me, I'm writing this letter to say hi :) it's been a long year since I wrote this letter for you (January 6, 2016). I hope and I pray that you become what you want to be....

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Dear me, This year I start grade 9 and I’m not so excited because I love being able to sleep all day and do things I like to during days. But after this year I’m going to leave...

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Labas, Taip taip, nesuklydai, tai laiškas nuo pačios tavęs. Rašau tau iš praeities. Kai dar buvai nedrasi, pasimetusi mergina katik istojusi į pirmaji kursą. Tuo metu jauteisi gan...

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Hi Git, how are you? Have you passed the organization thingy? Or are you on volunteer now? Or are you on an internship? Or are you talking with someone now? A BOYFRIEND???

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Labas , dukryte ! Čia rašo tavo mamytė . Tu jau didelė užaugai dabar . Kai rašiau tau šį laišką tu buvai dar mažytė 1.3mėn buvai darželyje . Turbūt skaitai ir nesuvoki kas čia...

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