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Kazin kas pasikeite per metus? Siandien as Lietuvoje, rasau laiska sau  Zinau, kad po menesio vel vaziuosiu i UK, turim planu nuvaziuoti paatostogauti po palme  Svajoniu vieta Kanaru salos...

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hello, how r u...this is aman sen. this is written to test the site(letter 2 future) u must have to try this...let c is this is a joke or hai. by...13/6/96

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Hai diriku yang saat ini ^_^.hari ini adalah hari Jumat,17 April 2020.Hari ini kamu berumur 16 tahun.Sudah sejak bulan Januari pandemi Korona muncul dan kini semakin luas penyebarannya.Amerika...

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Dear Ynah, Hi. This is your former self. Ten years ago I wrote you a letter. It's in your Impressionist stationery box. I hope you still have that box. Anyway, this is just a reminder, hoping...

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