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Happy 22nd birthday, dear! Tonight you have 2 papers (AMY & PHI) but you are on the internet instead. Hopefully times have changed. Samuel Garver invited you to the wind ensemble performance...

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Labas,Mano Brangiosios ir vienas Brangusis, rašau Jums dar būdama studentė.Tik antrakursė.Vis bevargstanti su egzaminais.Dar nepadariusi karjieros ir nežinoma:) Stebitės?Aš irgi:) Kitaip...

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Привет, это ты только из 2024 года. Я надеюсь ты уже связала ту кофту которую хотела и сейчас вяжешь всякое. Я...

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Hi, future Aidan. Why don\\\\\\\'t I talk a little bit of my past-self , well present for me. I\\\\\\\'m currently 12 3/4 years old. I am in love with filmmaking. My dream is to move to LA to...

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Hello me, Now, in october 2017, I love milk chocolate, I like the school, I don't like math, I hate to do my homework and I love youtube. I want to vist New York. I hope to have a big house....

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