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Hi there self. When you receive the letter, it will mark a year since the COVID 19 outbreak and the quarantine. A little backstory is that you haven't been out for roughly a month now. You...

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29 March 2020 21:00 Hello there, Beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS on making it up until your 40th! I wonder how are you so different from me now. If life dealt you with so much on your plate,...

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Ciao papi. Come stai? Sono Christian. Ti scrivo dal 2024 e spero che stia andando tutto bene. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non fossi a Genova in data 19/6/2029 e fossi per qualsiasi motivo...

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Hi, How are you? It's been 3 years I guess and while typing this it saddens me that you left me in pain. To be honest with you I miss you so much today and I still want you back in my life...

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Dear Potty Brain, This is Jennifer Du and if I am correct, it is around August 1, 2013? Hopefully... I honestly wish you a really great birthday, Sarena. You deserve it, and I don\'t know how to...

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