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Sveika. Kaip gyveni ? Su 16 gimtadieniu ! Su meile Rita.

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Hà Nội, 30/5/2018 Chào Việt Anh của em

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I am Emily Sohn!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE boys with all my heart. Especially, the tall blonde ones!!!! They are very attractive!

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Привет, малышка! Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут». Я надеюсь,...

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Hey Vegas, it's your 18th birthday!!! I'm 13 currently and I want 3 things for you to remember when you move on form the rest of the world. 1. Remember Michael? Well I hope you still do. He, he...

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