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(4/50) June 29, 2019 (Wednesday) Airport, Hong Kong It's been a while since I've written to you, hasn't it? Don't expect any apologies for the lapses in my writing. It just means that your...

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I will live in New York. I will be rich and i will have island. I will go to university. I will have tattoo . I will have big house. I will act in film. I will have two big cars.

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Labas ,Žvėriuk. Radau tokį tinklalapį kai gali laiškus rašyti į ateitį ir pasakyti tai ko nedrįsti.Dabar tave išvijau į kitą kambarį pas Mantą. Jau aštuoni mėnesiai kaip mes...

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I made this thank you note for u. Dear Bayu. Thank you for having me and staying with all my annoying things for the last 2 years. Thank you for stay healthy and keep your hard work in any kind...

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