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OPEN THIS IN JUNE 18th 2021 Pao. Today is June 16th 2016 3:15am. First of all, you better be out of the house. Ok and start. You were suppose to be in ciudad Juarez getting ready...

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Sveika šeimynėle, jei gavote šį laišką, turėtų būti praėję 10 metų po jo parašymo. Taigi Jums rašo Jūsų 20-metė dukra, sesuo :) Nežinau kaip dažnai Jums sakau "myliu", bet...

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Dear Sophia, Hello! It has been a while! Today you are probably starting school (assuming you are still going to RTHS). As I am writing this, it is July 30th, 2013. I am in summer school, which...

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Labas Sese:) Su Gimimo dienele:* rašau šį laišką 2011.09.26. tikiuosi gausi jį po 4metų:) įdomu ir keista:) dabar tu intensyviai ieškai darbo, nerviniesi, kad neatsiranda to ko...

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Think back to your childhood days when you were more carefree and everything seemed to come easier. You never worried about impressing the people around you, but rather all that you were concerned...

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