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July 18, 2021 2:21 A.M. Dear P, I'll be waiting. Always.

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Dear Dontae, You might not believe this, but it\'s you from the past and you should be receiving this around the time of you 12th grade graduation. So give me a second to remind you of...

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When you are trying to avoid that person, and then all of a sudden, messaged you for a little while but in the end left you hanging. Well played. Like, I like falling into you deeply.

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Labas MAŽIUK, Sveikinu su gimtadieniu :)* :)* :)* :D Šiais metais 2013.01.22 negalėjau dovanoti tau bučkio , todėl labai tikiuosi kad 2014.01.22 mūsų neskirs toks didelis atstumas ir...

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