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Dear FutureMe, Today marks your 4th year in Cadiz International, hopefully by the time you received this you are already employed in a different company, you have a boyfriend and a car....

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Sveikas Dovydai, Man malonu, kad tau gyvenimas sekasi gerai, nors tavo vaikyste buvo ne tokia kokia galejo buti - tavo tevai pastoviai pykdavosi ir tau tai labai nepatikdavo, bet dabar jau viskas...

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Salom Bakhodir Tairov. Mana shu letterni yozayapgan paytda sen Ucell da Billing teamda Engineer bolib iwlardin. Tug'ilgan kunindan keyingi iw kuni billingoviy kompaniyadan keyin schotlani pechat...

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WEll, this is yourself from 2013, I have probably forgot ive sent this letter. Gerorge is good he is 8 and hes just as annoying as he is now. mum is awesome is good also, she has a boyfriend (lee)...

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