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The Art of Writing Writing, is an art that enriches and embellishes our soul and our spirit. It cultivates and nourishes our intellect. It allows the trees and flowers of our secret garden...

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This letter will reach you by 2026. Why I chose this date? This is where I (past you) wanted to be married and maybe be planning for children. Today (your past) is your birthday, May 1st, 2017 and...

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Поздравляю СЕБЯ с Днём рождения:) Всего всего тебе:) пишу с ЛОЙГО, как дела вобще, сегодня пятница и...

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i'm here, very happy. with my sweet kids (Ali 5 y.o., Sanam 3.5 y.o.), young and healthy parents (dad 55, and mummy 50 y.o.). With my lovely friends. With my troubls in my work (torsvik)....

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Hi, Keturah. Hopefully today you are having fun on your 18th birthday. The day you\'ve been waiting for. I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much. I hope that you\'ve accomplished...

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