Dear Diana,
I am writing this letter from 2014.
and I am sending this letter, by this time you would be 30 years old.
the age you wanted us to meet
I wanted to tell you, the first time we met...
labas barbe
ziurek kokia as fancy as tau parasiau laiska aahhahahhahaha as tikrai lietuve jis nemokamas haha apicly trolled. tai va barbe. lol. cia as, tavo zmona, rasau tau is praeities. miela...
oh hello there, i didnt see you.
AND MY NAME IS.............
Rašau tau iš praeities ir sveikinu su 18-uoju gimtadieniu!
Pasirašo: Aš iš praeities.
2011-10-30 14:00
To Me. Tyronne Edgington,
Happy birthday my love! Even if maybe we havent contacted each other thjs day. Even if i dont know whether i am still inlove with you and you feel the same. I want you...