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To future me, Hi, how about you. What did u change since u write this message until your currently status right now. What had been different exactly. Is it based on your financial problem? How...

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Ciao christian del futuro come stai spero bene ,e finita la maledetta quarantena,che hai fatto in estate spero ti sia divertito,hai avuto il telefono nuovo,Antonio con elena?hai completato la lista...

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Labas! Sunku suvokti, kad jau baigiasi birželis ir mus išskėstomis rankomis pasitinka liepa. Visą mėnesį išmėčiau nereikalingiems drybsojimams prie tv, pc, miegojimui, valgymui,...

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I will be a soccer player I will drive a courvette

Leer carta completa -nice-penguin-947098.gif Hallo Tin! Ini surat yang kamu buat dulu. Gimana? setelah satu tahun udah ada perubahan belum? Sekarang ini sih aku...

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