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Хеллоу Марияди Голубь Самурайъ, как у тоби дела, интересн-интересн. Я сейчас учусь в 5 классе в 83 школе, учусь...

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Heyyyyyy, It’s Harry styles and I love you Well you know it’s not Harry but it made you smile did it not? So what’s up? I hope you are not as lonely as you were at this moment and I...

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Hi Swetha, I really hope you still remember me. You're graduating right? Oh by the way, I'm Naimisha. Your best friend who graduated last year well in 2017 not 2014. I'm writing a letter and right...

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Labas Dienas, Aurimas ir Laurynas. Kaip gyvenimas? Gyvenimas yra gražus, gražus kaip paukščių čiulbėjimas. Čiulbėjimas lyg kalbėjimas. Sniegena lyg sniegas, visur gera, šilta ir gražu....

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