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Dear future me, Hi! By now you have graduated high school, and have probably learned how to drive and taken some classes in aeronautical engineering/flying. This year was the first year in...

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Nu sveika Ingrida!;D Rašau tau 2011- spalio 28 dieną. Visai pasakyčiau graži, ir šilta diena, nes už lango šildo saulė.;D Tai va jei pameni tais metais buvau 12-okė, nsekėsi ne iš...

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Dear Me, Happy Birthday!!!!!!! you\'re umm... uh... 10+16= 26 years old now!! How\'s life now bro? anything good you achieved? right now im thinking of having a future with a job as a web...

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This letter will reach you by 2026. Why I chose this date? This is where I (past you) wanted to be married and maybe be planning for children. Today (your past) is your birthday, May 1st, 2017 and...

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Привет, За этот месяц многое изменилось, поменялось мнение о многих людях. Забудь всё то, что веет...

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