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Dear Shant, Hello this letter is for Shant from the past version of Shant. I am writing this in hopes that I will one day become successful, and that I can be able to look back and see how...

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Labas pačiam sau nuo pačio saves, čia tu rašai pats sau iš praeities, lygiai prieš 4 metus (2011-10-28). Įdomu kuo tu tapai, ką veiki ir koks esi. O dabar esi vis dar neapsisprendęs...

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Hello future Bella! This is only 2 years ahead but I assume you're going to be a completely different person honestly. There is so much that is bound to change and it exciting to think about. So...

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Let's see how this project will be doing in a year time! Good luck ;)

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Sveika, mieloji Mama, šį laišką rašau 2011-09-22, o tu turėtum jį skaityti 2021 metais, per savo gimtadienį :) keistoka, bet įdomu. Skaitydama šį laišką turbūt gryši prisiminimais į...

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