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Things are tough right now. I've got a lot on my plate. I've got him to take care of and my baby sister. All I want is the best for both of them. To make things even harder, I'd rather be living...

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Hey Mari, It's me... You Today is June,2nd. I decided to try another sight instead of I don't know about though because you can actually send a letter to yourself. and I love...

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Dear Me, I am writing this e-mail on June 19th, 2021 and I should be reading this ten years from now. How am I? Do I still have the same Spotify playlist? How big is my Spotify playlist? Have...

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Dear FutureMe, hey, thinking about you yet again. I got in a fight because mom was mistreating Dadi and so I stepped in. But dad didn't stand up for her and she didn't stand up for herself so I...

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Dear You, I'am praying for you tonight. I may not know your entire name or where you exactly been living, or where you are in this very moment and how are you now. But poppa god does..& he...

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