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Dear Axel i hope you are fine Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...

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Dear Nike, First of all... Happy 18th Birthday! You are now 18 and in sixth form! Today I first received a letter from the old you. It was written on 23-12-2012 and most of the stuff is kind of...

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ik wil beter leren leren volgend jaar

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Я задала тебе долеко не все вопросы т.к. несколько раз страница переобновлялась... И я не хочу больше так...

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Happy birthday fitri Ini fitri masa 16 tahun yang corona corona tu Kaw dh 2 dekad hidup So mesti byk kaw dh belajar sepanjang hidup kaw kan Aq rasa kaw tgh study dekat abroad kalaw lucky atau...

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