Dear future me,
Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...
Laaaabas !
*Jei skaitai šį laišką, vadinasi vakar Pasaulio pabaigos nebuvo! ;D
Vėlų sekmadienio vakarą (2011-11-20), sušąlusiom kojom, besiklausant „The Debresence-So far...
Sveika as.Tikiuosi prisimeni kai rasei si laiska?
Tai buvo tau linksma diena :) Tikiuosi ir dabar tau linksma.
Sis laiskas tau primins kokius pazadus tau reikejo atlikti ir ar juos...
Dear Future Me,
Though I am too lazy to learn vocabulary by heart, there are some ways to help media like to listen to music which is sung in English. It makes me easy and relaxes to develop a...