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Dear moja.. Wala ko masasabi kung hindi thank you kase lagi ka anjan pag sad ako, khit pag sad lang ako tska kita naalala pasensya na.. Pero sobrang naappreciate ko un pag sstay mo naun down...

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Dear Emilio, This is a letter to my future self. Right now im pretty happy with how life has gone. I have a good enough GPA and social life to be fulfilling without it being too stressful. I...

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Dear Niha, How's it going???? We're stuck at home right now. I'm sooooo bored and so done with Papa and Niya Chechi. They're so frustrating. Anyways, I think you had enough of that. Corona is...

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Hi tin! kumusta? maraming deadlines noh pero kaya mo yan! give your best in everything you do as 'cause you are working for God :) use your talent na rin :) be courageous! may plan si Lord sa buhay...

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To, Future Self Hi! Siguro by the time na mabasa mo to, okay ka na. Healed ka na. Once na mabasa mo to, alalahanin mo lahat ng pinagdaanan mo okay? Bawat luhang iniyak mo. Mga gabing di ka...

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