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Laurence Nash Coach Smith English 3-6 March 29, 2018 A Letter To Myself When you read this one year from now you will be a completely new person than the one you were last year. You have...

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Labas, Erika. Prisimeni mane? Kvailą, naivią, savęs nerandančią Eriką? Pirmiausia - Su gimtadieniu! Kokia esi dabar? Jei vis dar pasimetusi tarp gyvenimo kryžkelių - linkiu vienoje iš...

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* Kartais kai būna apsiniaukę viduje. pasiimu juostelę , raktą ir užsidarau. Tada nuskamba dažniausiai Erik Satie , o jei dar koks termosas,tada pasakau "tobula" Įeini į tamsą ir...

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Cagliari, 11 giugno 2017 to somewhere, 11 giugno 2027 Cara me, di nuovo. Non so dove tu sia in questo momento, cosa tu stia facendo e forse non so nemmeno chi tu sia oggi. Però ci conosciamo,...

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Dear Future Bailey, How are you? I wonder what you're up to? Do I know in the future? It's only a month after I write this that it'll be sent to, so I wonder how much could change between now and...

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