zoo wee mama
Dear Future Estelle
If you are reading this you have passed the tests past me has set for you. When you are reading this you will be 13-14. I have found that there are things.....creatures...
Sveika ateities, Aiste!!!
Praėjo 8 metai, tikiuosi,kad per šiuos metus pavyko surasti veiklą,darbą, hobį, kuriame save visiškai realizavai. Tikriausiai per tuos metus pakeitei nuomonę...
Dear future me,
Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...
Dear future maria,
I would like you to know that write know is a hard time and it can change everyone's lives in a split second hundreds and thousands of people are dying each day because of the...