oh hello there, i didnt see you. AND MY NAME IS.............

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Rasa. siandien valgiau kotleta. P.s laisku rasyt nemoku. P.s.s myliu tave.

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hi im in highscool yay finally d,lvnhoawerjhbfojaebvhfoucv im so exited lololollololloololllooloilolooloooloololololololol ololololololololololl. i was so imature in 8th grade but ik i still that...

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Okay pal, last one for the day, where are you now hat have you done, sit down with me tell me a story about these next ten years of life. And at the end of it all, lets send our 34 year old self a...

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Should I smile because we are friends, or cry because that is all we will ever be. Hope this helps you now or not at all but yeah.

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