Dear Kate, Katy, Katherine, Katy-Kit-Kat (for like a day until brent meg and I realized it was like the kkk), So heres an email to myself in five years! So in 2020. Wow do you know in that year...

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Cara me del futuro futuro non tanto lontano ma comunque futuro, sei riuscita a dimagrire? Qualche giorno fa sei andata dalla dietista, com'è andata? Comunque vada sono fiera di te. Ieri...

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yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...

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Hey Reenie, its your 21st birthday , i hope you live well, happy and healthy. I dont know how much you will change, i just hope whatever you do, i hope happiness follow you, i hope you're not...

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Hello Shyal, this is Shyal from one year ago. Hopefully we are still in college. As of right now, you are in your room on your computer in your general studies class and writing this letter as an...

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