с Юбилеем тебя, дорогой я!Мне хочется верить, что сегодняшний праздник ты (т.е. я) проведешь в теплой компании...

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On this day that you receive this letter, if circumstances permits you, play Canon in D for that person. And make this promise: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on...

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Hi Davon this is young you when you where a little boy and know you are a big college kid that gets all A’s and works on the side and he makes good pay as a college student and when you get out...

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Dear Olive, We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...

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Dear future me, Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...

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