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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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Hey you, When I was writing this letter, you just started your first day of the Day Zero project. You were very excited and motivated. The first thing you decided to cross off your list was to...

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Labas Karoli, sveikinu tave su 36-uoju gimtadieniu. Linkiu gereusiu akimirku ateity, ir visko kas gereusia. Karolis is Websters Land , Edinburgh.

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Happy 27th birthday, P! By the time you receive this email, it's been more than 4 years since we broke up. You're probably married, or finally a big boss at your job. Either way, I hope you're...

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Ricordati di disattivare abbonamento a Repubblica, primo anno 12 euro, ma il secondo è 99 euro. Magari ti faranno un'altra offerta, ma per ora è 99, disattiva qualche giorno prima. Occorrerà...

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