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Dear future self, By now should already be on the path to getting into Full Sail University and becoming one of the most revelotionary game designers the world has ever seen. You will also be...

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س اتحسن بالكتابة

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hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...

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hey christian, so this is funny did u pass i really wanna know XD. and remember wen u were living with nick ... are u still living with him. and get a job u little dirty kid. and i'm reminding u .....

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Привет Данила, это тебе пишет человек из будущего. Наверное ты достиг всех своих целей и смог стать актером,...

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