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dear myself you are about to make a huge step. you are going to take the eog. the biggest test in middle school. here's some to remember about your class Brandon- is a idiot along with his...

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Привет я из будущего. Пишу это письмо в 2022 году. Хочу чтобы оно пришло в моё день рождение 2023 года. Буду...

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Dear future Rachel... Hey its me rachel from a year ago, i wrote this letter to you while crying at 1AM. Yeah right how pathetic ambi crying in the middle of the night...what a waste of energy...

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Dear future me, Brother your writing yourself an email who knows if you are going to receive it or not but you now will be 32 years old writing this 10 years early I hope you never forget what...

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