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Dear Nathan Maybe you've moved on, or we have moved out from here but the message still stays. I don't even know why i would write myself a letter as it doesn't seem normal now does it? Hope...

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Sveika, Gyveni abejonėse, bet nebijok jos praeis ir pamatysi save po keturių metų, diplomuotą, protingą ir vis dar mylimą to pačio nuostabaus žmogaus. Viskas susitvarkys, užaugsi dar...

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I need to believe in myself, I can do this. Believe in yourself, - anything is possibles

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Congrats on surviving the end of the world in 2012... you're turning 22 today! Maybe give Kim, Greg, and Richie a call. I'm writing this for you, because I love you. You deserve to be happy. So...

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Labas, malonu gyventi gyvenima kuris tesiasi taip skemingai ir paprastai.

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