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You better have that linear algebra stuff down by now, or else I'll be mad. You also should have another internship under the belt, a girlfriend, and an AI that passes the Turing test. Your...

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Su šventom Kalėdom!Linkiu daug dovanų ir svajonių išsipildymo!Pasižadu klausyt tėvų, gerai mokytis, taupyt pinigus kitiem mokslo metam!♥

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Hey How are you? I hope u're doing well coz u must've been achieved one of ur short term goals....I know the things r pretty hard even right now but u need a celebration girl!! I know u're...

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lol hi, right now you are 22 years old and your birthday was just less than a week ago. Hopefully, you're in law school or working and making good money. I hope you're still with Gavyn and he's...

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dear me, I hope you do good in life and hopefully you get to go into boxing and get a nice family and a bulldog and a great job me. also do they have time machines in the future. can you make a...

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