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Labas kai rašiau šį laiška man buvo 12 metų. Manau, kad dabar esi labai pasikeitusi. Turbūt neviena svajone išsipyldė. Joris turbūt jau didelis. Kaip mama ?Kaip tėtis ? Tikiuosi Maja dar...

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Hey Juan, it’s Juan. It’s May 8th 2018. I wrote this in Mackie’s class. by the time you read this, you’ve finished junior year at West High. Hopefully we’re better than we are now. You...

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Ciao gay

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Надеюсь ты изменилься за 2 года не знаю что с тобой случилось. Ты был трусом, ты бвл одиноким, и всегда...

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Happy 22nd birthday, dear! Tonight you have 2 papers (AMY & PHI) but you are on the internet instead. Hopefully times have changed. Samuel Garver invited you to the wind ensemble performance...

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