I am writing you because I seen you at a hospital in Winston Salem. I remembered your name and thought you was a very pretty lady. You was very nice to me while I was there in the Emergancy room. I...
Dear future Rachel...
Hey its me rachel from a year ago, i wrote this letter to you while crying at 1AM. Yeah right how pathetic ambi crying in the middle of the night...what a waste of energy...
Labas, broli. Kaip gyveni? Spėk, nuo ko šis laiškas! Neatspėsi muhaha :D
Aš tave myyyyliu (kaip žuvis myli vandenį). Esi pats fainiausias brolis, gražuolis mano, madistas, ralistas.. :D...
Dear Shawn
Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...
Erika, rašau tik todėl, nes noriu tau priminti, kad pirmame kurse tu buvai tikrai laiminga. Ir tai turbūt ironiška, nes ar pameni savo reakciją po stojamųjų rezultato paskelbimo? Tuomet...