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Erm, Hello. I'm writing this because I know you'll appreciate it. I know you'll read every word eagerly and smile. I know you love this type of shit. I know your heart is beating fast and you're...

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hey future me.. i hope you are doing well, i hope esta zor dlxosh bi w hamw shtek ka basar hatwa wak xaweky naxoshy le hatbe ka biniwta w tawaw nak lagalta bzhy . i hope kawtbita sar pey xot w you...

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Hey Reenie, its your 21st birthday , i hope you live well, happy and healthy. I dont know how much you will change, i just hope whatever you do, i hope happiness follow you, i hope you're not...

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Dear Sunni, I love you with all my heart. Now and forever.

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Hey, je suis ton toi du passé du 18 juillet 2020 et j'ai 15 ans ! Je suis actuellement en 3eme, l'époque où tu as eu la mention Bien sans passer le Brevet des collèges ! Comment va Maxime ?...

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