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are you homeless yet? if not you must have found a good job or smthn. anyways ur gonna remember this and think you were emberassing or smthn idk what else to wright

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dear me, I hope you do good in life and hopefully you get to go into boxing and get a nice family and a bulldog and a great job me. also do they have time machines in the future. can you make a...

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Hello and welcome back to Lithuania! Hopez you will enjoy your stay here for summer. Here are some attractions you might want to consider: : the cool and free Baltic beach : old town`s spirit...

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Ar yra dar žmonių, kurie dar saugo savo vertybes? Ar yra žmogus, kuriam aš rūpėčiau nuoširdžiai? Širdis mano pilna skausmo, sudraskyta. Sunku gyventi, sunku kvepuoti... Rašau, nes esu...

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Things are tough right now. I've got a lot on my plate. I've got him to take care of and my baby sister. All I want is the best for both of them. To make things even harder, I'd rather be living...

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