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Hey me in the future, are you still friends with Emily, Jamie, Sophie, Riley, Nico, Jake, Georgia, Keely, Ryan and Dominic? Are you still obsessed with One Direction, N-Dubz, Little Mix, Cher...

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Querida Lia do futuro, Escrevo-lhe neste momento, às 09:26 da manhã, enquanto você aguarda por uma IE na Unimed. À sua frente, repousa um pote de iogurte sabor whey de maracujá, uma...

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Hello epic gamer. If your reading this ninja needs your help but hes probs on his pension. still no gf im guessing haha lol you sad dogg your still lonely and on the street. is the world cucked yet...

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Sveiki Žilvinai ir Renata, Sveikinu jus su gimimo diena! Daug jums laimės, sėkmės statant namą, gerų vaikų ir daug šypsenų! Būkit laimingi! Lukas

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Dear Shawn Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...

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