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Hi future me. It's me Sofia! It's me from when you were graduating Nativity school. I know I am still a procrastinator but are you? Are your grades way better? Are Addy, Amelia, Claire, Kate,...

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Hey....uh....Jane if you still prefer to be called like that you freaking weeboo. Listen here, 24 year old me. First, you're old. Pls tell me you have a job and someone you love and at least...

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Dear future Liam im in English class and it is 12:48. Had my bday a couple of days ago i got bunch of money hope your still getting heaps of money for you birthday in year 12 im in year 7 right now...

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It would appear as though you have found a way to manipulate the time and space continuum and make both yourself and your future self meet.Or since you're reading this in 2021 it's yourself and...

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Ei, ateities žmogau! Norėčiu, kad prisimintum šią mergaitę: Kai lietutis ilgisi žolės, o žvaigždelės nakties, sėdi mergaitė ant suolelio ir skaičiuoja akmenėlius. Tamsu, tik...

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