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The summer is over and I hope that you have achieved everything that you set out to for your role as OL. I hope that you gained that new perspective, made new friends, and learned more about the...

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Ro 01.02.2017 ore 00:18 Cara Dona, mi chiedevo se hai realizzato i sogni che ogni giorno pensavi é desideravi. Chissà dove sei? É con chi sei? Sicuramente hai realizzato i tuoi sogni, ci...

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Привет,поздравляю тебя Дмитрий с праздником любви и дружбы.Пусть тебе повезёт.

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My love I met one winter day She changed my life, forever I say She came down those steps and gazed around Only to see a goof with a ceiling crown Our eyes they met from across the way Who...

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