Отосланные письма : 21806
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Happy Birthday! I am anxious to see where you will be living and how you will be doing. Please give up cherries and wings. Eat more fish and veggies. Help your body! You are in pain. Let...

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Today you made a huge mistake. It feels like you've screwed up your entire life...I hope by now at 45 you've found something better and that your doing well. I want to believe this happened for a...

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Dear Future Me, I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face... 15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...

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Labas, Sūnau, rašau tau vėlų vakarą (tu ir sesė turbūt jau miegat). Noriu, kad žinotum - labai, labai tave myliu ir visada mylėsiu, kad ir kas benutiktų, kad ir kaip bepasielgtum. Aš...

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Ryan, I am typing this on december 9th 2015 and we are doing great. we have had our ups and our downs but we have made it through it all. I know we probably have had some tough time since this...

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