Отосланные письма : 21806
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привет! Это письмо из будущего,оно было написано с 26 января 2024 года. Война закончилась?..

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Dear future me, 1. They keep saying "it gets better", I hope it gets better. 2. You're someone who cares maybe a little too much, and you have been hurt by it before. Despite that, I hope you...

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Labas, Saulė!! Čia aš rašau tau iš praeities (hm... ne taip jau ir senai vasario mėnesį) Tikiuosi dabar labai šilta, tu maudaisi, sutitinki su draugėm ir pan. Džiaugiuos dėl tavęs!! Tai...

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Remember to not get distracted by the question, focus on what is not said as that is usually what is wrong with the problem. Focus on results not the different ways to get to a result.

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Hi, it's me again.... feeling the back pain because of my period and feeling uncomfortable with the situations in life... I think I need to complain less about people especially to other people.....

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