Отосланные письма : 21805
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Auguri di buon Natale grande me. Tutto procede bene piuomeno, la cosa peggiore è l'ansia perché non ho "passato" il SAT quindi devo rifarlo ma ho anche preso 29/90 ad una simulazione di medicina...

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Dear, My heart is feeling weird. Maybe it's hurt, for failed expectations? Yes i guess so.. failed expectations. I expected attention from someone and didn't get.... but good, at least it's now...

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你好呀!几个月后的我自己,你现在?? ?该已经跨过的人生中比较重要的一道? ??。之前为了不影响你考试,所以现在...

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hi gaurav, this is to yourself from 19-07-2016 .you have just completed graduation and about to enter law school.you don't have any idea where yoy will end up in life.you are currently...

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Hi Dear, Surprise! It's 30th October 2015 when I am typing this to you and you will only receive this 10 years later. Haha. I wanted to do this with you, but as usual, you're sleeping and I'm...

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