Отосланные письма : 21752
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Heidi! So things have been crazy. D and I have been texting again but its on and off. I'm upset but I'm starting to get over it, yet my cell phone is right by me as I type this so I guess there...

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Hi Karla This is just a test

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E ai cara, preparado para as férias? Hoje é dia 23 e espero que os OKR`s tenham sido cumpridos :) O que pode dar ruim? - Não levantar a mão quando algo está dando errado. - Demorar a reagir....

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Hey Ibrahim form the future, This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...

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Hello future mommy! I dearly hope you're now smiling after a year from today, its kinda crazy to think that exactly a year ago we were writing a motivation letter for 5alo. I'd be a foolish...

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