Отосланные письма : 21805
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i honestly hope you stopped talking to adam, I know this is the most selfish thing i ever said, but i do. god i fucking hope that you do. I know i would never say it, but it bothers me so much...

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Marte, how are you? I hope everything is fine! Well, it\'s Marco talking from the past so don\'t be scared! I know this sounds weird but yeah, I\'m talking with you, right now. I hope we...

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Dear older me, Right about now I’m trying to decide if I should stay with my mom and move to league city, Texas; or move with my dad and go to court and move in with my dad to Springfield....

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Dear future self, Have you figured out what you want to do with your life yet? If not I'm disappointed. Have You(I...?) finished writing a book yet? Better get on that. What about a job? If...

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Ciao Aurora! Come va? Spero che tu stia passando un periodo migliore di quello che sto passando io. Ci sono così tante cose da raccontare... Innanzitutto, la mia migliore amica (spero che sia...

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