Отосланные письма : 21785
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Dear 18 year old Mike, Happy Birthday! It's December 11, 2011. I'm bored as fuck sitting on the couch using stumble upon and I've found this website that'll send this letter in a year...

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To Hania! I'm writing this letter in a year that has been trying in the most unexpected of ways. Facing a pandemic, a shitty college, loads of assignments, presentations, exams, feeling light...

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Como é que é, Pina? Ter 21 anos sucka. Cheguei a uma fase em que a unica pessoa em quem confio, sou eu. Não tenho namorada nem tenho interesse em ter, apesar de me sentir sozinho e sinto...

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Sveikas, Rašau šį laišką per paskutiniuosius mokslo metus gimnazijoje. Žinau, kad šitie metai bus sunkiausi, jie gali nulemti mano ateitį ir tiesą pasakius aš jos neisivaizduoju tai...

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Hey, If you\\\'re reading this it\\\'s awesome! I was really afraid that you won\\\'t get this letter. I don\\\'t really know what to say but nvm. :D If you want to be friends, it would be...

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